This is a time when cultivating and supporting wellness are likely to make the most sense to us. You have a new life growing inside you, and caring for yourself and your baby is important to you. Acupuncture is a safe, natural way to support your health during pregnancy and can be used for many of the associated symptoms.
Common Complaints
For conditions commonly experienced during pregnancy, acupuncture is a safe and effective choice. Acupuncture treatment brings fast relief for pregnancy nausea, and other conditions such as headaches, anxiety, sciatica and symphisis pubis pain (SPP, SPD). As you grow heavier, acupuncture will help to keep you feeling energised and lifted.
We are also able to offer you advice concerning your diet during pregnancy. Much of our advice during pregnancy is focused on ways to help your digestive system function optimally in order to make the most of the food that you eat.
Pre-birth Acupuncture
A series of treatments from around week 36 of pregnancy, to prepare your body for childbirth and help build energy reserves to prepare for the postnatal period.
We can teach couples how to do simple acupressure themselves in a one-to-one session, especially helpful for pain relief and other issues during labour. Acupressure is used on the same points as acupuncture, but using pressure instead of needles.
After your baby has arrived
The postnatal period can potentially be a vulnerable time in which the mother is often overlooked as all the attention goes to the child. In many cultures this period of time is considered vital to help the mother regain her strength. If you are interested in receiving acupuncture in the postnatal period we are here to help.
Mother Warming
A gentle and comforting heat treatment using Moxa to warm and tonify the abdomen and uterus to help the belly to recover. Mother warming is a nourishing and restorative postnatal treatment.